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Tuition and Financial Aid

McMaster University provides financial support in the form of a teaching assistantship plus a program scholarship to all qualified full-time graduate students. It is program policy to support M.Sc. students for up to two years and Ph.D. students for up to four years from initial registration in the Ph.D. program.

An example of 2024-2025 funding for Canadian (+PR) students in MSc or PhD programs, and international PhD students (looks different for international MSc students, though take-home after tuition and fees is comparable).

TA Amount Supervisor Contribution Department Contribution Total
$13,172.32 13,500 $2,500 $29,172.32

Tuition and Fee Amounts:
Graduate Fees
The level of support is determined annually and is competitive with other Canadian programs.

Highly qualified prospective students should also apply for the scholarships awarded by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (Canadian citizens and landed immigrants) and the Province of Ontario – Ontario Graduate Scholarship Program. These are usually due December 1st (for MSc) of the year prior to anticipated enrollment. Our graduate students have traditionally been very successful in national and provincial competitions.

Our departmental scholarship policy is:

Scholarship Amount Supervisor Contribution Department Contribution
<$10,000 no change no change
$10,000 – $25,000 reduced by 0.45*award reduced by 0.1*award
>$25,000 reduced to $0 reduced to $0

For further information and for a full list of possible scholarships, please see the School of Graduate Studies – Scholarships page.