If you are considering applying to McMaster’s Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Health and Radiation Physics and Radiation Sciences, here’s some helpful information. Our incoming students are primarily students currently enrolled in their last year of undergraduate studies or their Masters degree, and who are interested in applying for a Masters or Ph.D. in Radiation Sciences or a Masters in Health & Radiation Physics. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Students entering our programs are a very diverse group, coming from all parts of Canada and many different countries around the world. The total time required to move from a B.Sc. to the Ph.D. is usually between four and six years. The minimum requirement for admission to the M.Sc. programs in Health and Radiation Physics and Radiation Sciences – Medical Physics is an Honours B.Sc. degree in Physics or Engineering Physics or a related discipline, with at least a B+ average in the final year. Those with an Honours B.Sc. in other science disciplines will be considered for admission if they have received a good grounding in physics. The minimum requirement for admission to the M.Sc. program in Radiation Sciences – Radiation Biology is an Honours B.Sc. in Biology or Life Sciences or a related discipline, with at least a B+ average in the final year. Applicants who are accepted typically have an average of A- or higher. Since instruction is in English, foreign students whose first language is not English must take the TOEFL and achieve a score of at least 580 (written version), 237 (computer version) or 92 (iBt).

Admission to the Ph.D. program in Radiation Sciences – Medical Physics generally requires completion of an M.Sc. degree in Medical Physics, Physics or related discipline, with at least an A- standing. Admission to the Ph.D. program in Radiation Sciences – Radiation Biology generally requires completion of an M.Sc. in Biology, Medical Sciences or related discipline, with at least an A- standing. However, students who have entered the M.Sc. program and wish to proceed to Ph.D. studies without completing the M.Sc. may apply to transfer after their M.Sc. coursework is complete. They must have an A- average in their M.Sc. graduate course work at McMaster and show clear evidence of research ability. If the transfer application is successful, then all of the graduate work completed up to that time may be applied directly to the Ph.D.
Applications are submitted through the McMaster Graduate Studies Online Application and are due by the end of February each year. For more information on the application process and procedures, please refer to the School of Graduate Studies.
How do I find a supervisor?
You do not need to have a supervisor to be considered for admission into the graduate program. You are, however, encouraged to look into our current areas of research and begin contacting potential supervisors as this will give you the best chances of working on a project of your own choosing.